How to Use Bitmain Antminer D7 (1286Gh) on Mining Pools: Detailed Guide

How to Use Bitmain Antminer d7 on Mining Pools

Use of the Bitmaian Antminer D7 (1286Gh) for mining pools is covered in this article.

You might feel as though you missed the window for the D7 ASIC miner. I mean, I’m definitely envious of anyone who pre-ordered this device before the price increased, but I’m also envious of everyone who purchased Bitcoin or Ethereum at a low price years ago and is now luxuriating in wealth. It’s not too late to join in the fun, so we don’t need to feel envious. If things keep going as they are, we can still take advantage of the opportunity. There is still time to purchase an ASIC miner like the Dash miner D7 and enter the cryptocurrency mining market.

Read the article to find out how to use your Bitmain Antminer L7 (9.5Gh) on mining pools. We’ll use the Nicehash pool as an illustration in this case.

What Coins Can the Antminer D7 (1286Gh) Mine?

The Antminer D7 uses the X11 mining algorithm, which is most famous for the DASH coin, but miners can also take other cryptocurrencies like Hatch, Smartcoin, Onix, or Pura. Although DASH has had a volatile trajectory over the last few years, it has seen a 7% increase in the market today and is currently trading at a fair $206 (USD) per coin. Dash is by far the most profitable cryptocurrency to mine with the Antminer D7. Dash reached its peak price of over $1500 (USD) two years ago, and if it were to return there, the Antminer D7 would become very profitable. The Antminer D7 is the most potent and effective X11 ASIC miner currently available, in terms of both hashrate and electrical requirements.

How to Use Bitmain Antminer D7 (1286Gh) on Mining Pools

Just follow these easy steps to configure your Bitmain Antminer D7 (1286Gh) and mining pool account:

Connecting the Power Supply

Bitmain Antminer D7 Manual

1. Power supply APW12 is part of Bitmain Antminer D7 server. 
2. Additional two power cords are needed.

Setting Up the Bitmain Antminer D7 (1286Gh) for Mining

The miner’s web interface will now be configured.

To find the IP address of the AntMiner D7 (1286Gh), access your router’s web interface. The miner should be labeled AntMiner in your router interface.

Connect to the web interface

  1. Open your chosen web browser (such as Chrome, Firefox, etc.) and IP address provided.
  2. It will ask you to enter a username and password. By default, the AntMiner credentials are root for both, the username and password. As soon as you can, modify the password.

Installing Latest Firmware

After connecting to the web interface, a summary of your miner’s data should appear. The most recent version of the miner firmware must then be installed. This can be done by visiting the official Bitmain website.
Download the latest firmware

  1. Follow this link to download the latest and old firmware for AntMiner D7 (1286Gh)

Install the latest firmware on your AntMiner D7 (1286Gh)

  1. Select the System tab and move over to the Upgrade child tab.
  2. This page shows Restore functionalities and Flash new firmware image.

Your miner’s setup and security are now complete. Learn how to set it up for connection with a mining pool in the following section.

Connect Bitmain Antminer D7 (1286Gh) to a Mining Pool

You can now use the miner to join a mining pool after successfully updating the firmware to the most recent version.

Visit in a new browser tab. Click Generate Stratum after choosing your ASICs algorithm.

Copy stratum server, in this case use stratum+tcp:// or stratum+ssl:// (if ssl is supported). In the URL text box on Step 4 of the Miner Configuration tab, type it in.

Enter your Nicehash mining address or another BTC wallet address in the worker’s text box. You can use it like this: MiningAddress.WorkerName to name your worker.

Password should always be “x”.

Click Save&Apply.

Note: #xnsub should be used at the end of the stratum line in the URL text field (stratum+tcp:// since some ASICs support it.

The abbreviation Xnsub stands for extra-nonce subscription. A miner might be able to completely exhaust the nonce-space, which is the value that is altered for each hash in an effort to find the valid hash, for algorithms with extremely high difficulties and for miners with extremely high hash rates.

Extranonce was developed to give miners the ability to modify a tiny field in the coinbase and rehash a slightly different block.

You can inform NH (or any pool that supports it) that even though you’ve already sent a specific nonce, the block in question is actually different because of this extranonce field by subscribing. The nonce is essentially expanded.

Monitor and Use Bitmain Antminer

Being able to monitor the Bitmain Antminer is just as important as understanding how to use it on mining pools.
In terms of monitoring, the AntMiner web interface comes with easy tooling such as the Kernel Log and Monitor tabs.
Another useful monitoring page is the Monitor status page which shows information on your miner’s status:

On this screen, you can see information about current hashrate, Uptime and current scoring rate.
On the bottom of the screen, you can see information about the speed of fans.

DASH Overview

It’s important to understand DASH and the market expectations for the next few years because it’s the main cryptocurrency on the X11 algorithm. Dash entered the market in 2014 and is designed with a primary emphasis on transaction speed, security, and privacy. With a small difference, Dash was constructed using the same blockchain technology as Bitcoin. The way transactions are verified differs in Dash; there are two ways to do it: masternodes and miners. Similar to how a Bitcoin transaction is verified, the miners compete to successfully complete a series of calculations to authenticate and store the transaction in the blockchain and are rewarded when successful. The primary focus of Dash is instant transactions, and masternodes operate a little differently.

In order for Dash’s product to be adopted and integrated by businesses for instantaneous transactions—like purchasing a cup of coffee—they needed a system that would enable instantaneous transaction verification. This is where Masternodes come in. Masternodes are Dash miners that have staked a minimum of 1000 Dash coins in the system to enable faster transaction processing. In exchange, those who own a Masternode network receive higher rewards for validating transactions on the network. This enables a person to purchase that cup of coffee without having to hold off while the network confirms the transaction, which can take up to 10 minutes on networks like Bitcoin. As a result, Dash can advertise itself as an instant currency and explore a market that few other cryptocurrencies have explored. Dash actually boasts a commendable 1 second transaction time and transaction fees as low as 1 cent. That is both 30 times less expensive and much faster than Bitcoin. Thousands of businesses both online and offline have already adopted Dash, demonstrating the viability of this business model.

Another feature of Dash is PrivateSend, which allows users to maintain their anonymity with untraceable transactions, in contrast to bitcoin, which records information about every transaction on the blockchain. These are intriguing attributes for a cryptocurrency that is making a serious effort to integrate itself into daily life.

These characteristics are giving Dash a good outlook for the future; a cryptocurrency that is already being used by businesses and that can be bought on many trading websites is sure to help increase its reputation among the general public.


Our investigation into the Bitmain Antminer D7 (1286Gh) hardware used by mining pools comes to a close now. You can apply this example to configure other miners, such as the AntMiner D7 (1286Gh), or other miners, with a mining pool.
For quick connections to mining pools, miners typically provide a web interface.
This tutorial is meant to be enjoyable for you. Please feel free to contact us with your thoughts on your Setup experiences!

We sincerely hope you found this article to be helpful, and we are looking forward to hearing from you. Please share your opinions in the comments section if you would!


How Much Does An Antminer D7 Make You?



How Do You Activate Mining Mode?

Upon settling on a rock to mine, press M to enter Mining Mode. In order to have your ship analyze the rock you intend to mine and give you more information about its composition, resistance, and instability, set your targeting reticle on the target rock while in mining mode.

How Do I Know If My Antminer D7 is Working?

  1. The miner is submitting shares in the mining program. The average miner should submit 1 share roughly every 2-3 seconds.
  2. On your dashboard, the Scoring Hash Rate value is not 0.
  3. Every closed round (solved block) has block rewards listed on the Statistics page.
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